SL is full of hopes, dreams and fantasy's......all that we can't do in RL, SL gives you the tools to at least try them . Helps you to live in fantasy and taste forbidden fruit .

But what if you cross SL in to RL what happens?.
You meet some amazing people on SL , some really touch your heart. You feel when there sad,you feel when there happy. Would the friendships really work in RL? or are we all just crazies pushed together in this world we love and understand because RL peeps sometimes can't even begin to feel what SL is . They look as you as if your a fruit loop and ready for the funny farm if you begin to try explain what SL means to you. When talking to other SL folks, most are on your wave length understand the highs and lows, so I guess we are almost thrown together and friendships are then bonded. I personally have met some great people and can call them close friends in SL , friends that you know if SL closed you will still be in contact throw email or another way this weird wonderful world of cyber space allows you to do. People from across the world that would have been impossible to meet in RL are now consider one of your closes friends , who you tell private and personal feelings to , I guess in the old days we called these pen pals with today's technology its all been supped up and hey SL is born.
sooooooooooo my question is can you cross SL feelings cross in to RL ?
You feel love, you can taste it in SL, when you fall head over heals in love with someone on SL your heart feels all, you feel attraction,desire, protection , addiction .
SL partnerships - 3 months is the average time of a sl partnership , I have seen it first hands as I gone to more then one of my friends weddings to few different people ,is this the game play in SL? , I mean its natural progression you always want more ,if boundaries have been set and SL stays in SL then its only natural that SL relationships will fail if one wants more then the other. There is only so much fantasy you can do with a person before you reach the end. Then its to the next person to taste all the fantasy's again just at a different angle. We feel the heart break when its over but SL hearts seem to heal a lot quicker then RL, is this because you only live the dreams in your mind? I know we feel the feelings but we have sort of built walls up around our heart , yes we feel heart break, the heart wrench and everything but yet we log back on the next day to start again.

sooooooo what about Muscle & I, are we different? and what makes us different?. Answer is simple ......Well we took the game play out and let SL cross in to RL slowly ,natural progression took over and our love grew more & more in both worlds .Are we happy ? well what can I say he's my everything in both worlds . Sounds crazy and impossible but its the truth . The only sad thing is that my feelings towards SL have slightly changed I guess an illusion has been broken and reality has kicked in . but wait this is not a bad thing because oooooooooo mind goes to my baby . I wouldn't want it any other way . I have been given a great gift and I thank SL for giving it to me . Big pat on your back SL and a massive gold star!!!!!!!

Whats Zena's future in SL? At the moment im just going with the flow, spending a lot less time in SL then I had been doing, trying to find my feet again and understanding my belonging in SL. oooooo it sounds sad but I'm not , I'm just creating a new journey for me to go on, I miss my friends and will always catch up where I can but I will take RL over SL every time. Muscle & Zena journey well what can I say there living a fairy tale and well every fairy tale always ends with them famous 3 words HAPPY EVER AFTER.

Goodbye Friend


To say goodbye to a dear friend in SL , is sad . RL has taken you back for a Happy ever After, my close friend Suzi is no more. Suzi I know you left a month ago, you are missed honey with your crazy life and your laughter. I will never forget the laughs we shared and the journey we went on at the start of our SL life .We both went in two different directions ,but always managed to say ello and catch up. Suzi you will always be on my friends list , if you ever desire to return to this crazy world we know and love, there is always a place for you .I hope you get all out of RL you desire, you deserve it Hun . xx

Suzi Carlberg B. 21/7/2007 D. 30/4/2008

Small Catch Up

Yes I'm still alive just a busy busy bumble bee , time flies when your having fun .Before you know it weeks turn in to months ,so thought its about time you all see whats been going on in my wibble wobbly world.

Muscle and I have opened our own business up in SL , our very own studio for photos, yep yep its great .Really taken off .We work at our own speed doing what we love .The great thing is we do it together at our own pace , no hassle from anyone , just go with the flow. We decided to do this to add new interest in our SL journey , we have managed to balance our life and the work life together so both worlds are happy . Work must be stress free as this is SL , no need for stress here, there is enough in RL work without bring it into second life . I want to enjoy and taste all life in SL not get bogged down with running a business , remembering the important thing is the first priority . We did toy with the idea of working before ,decided against it as we was worried it would affect our time e have together

Some months ago you will have read I tried hosting at Black Hearts , well I decided it wasn't for me as it messed with mine and muscles time together , the rules where also hard to follow . I have now taken back up hosting 2 sessions a week at Zone out. Its great I get to spend time with my friends , act crazy and have loads of fun .I love it . The pay is just on tips ,I don't mind this as its not the money what draws me to doing it but the fun,laughter and enjoyment i get out of hosting .I work from 3-6 am Saturdays & Sundays.Benn having a few weekends off as my Rl holiday kicked in, I will be back hosting soon.