Day out part 2 ( under the sea)

As the Beatles sung......
"I'd like to be under the sea In an octopus' garden in the shade He'd let us in, knows where we've been In his octopus' garden in the shade "
What better then to turn my self in to Ariel ( from the little mermaid just in case you didn't know) and go to the deep deaths of the ocean. First port of call buy myself a tail, 2ND mission had to but an AO mermaid poses so the tail worked , took awhile but I got there . I was still on wind light so thought i would go below the surface, I t simply amazing the scenery looks fantastic the movement of your AV with the override and the tail makes you look like a mermaid. Wow I'm in my element I love under the sea Sims and this one is great.Had to take my prince to see it when he got home, he thought it was just so great we danced under the sea , kissed underthe sea and had a great big huggle. I like to see new places but its always more special when I share it with Muscle

ohhhhhhhh big jelly fish

I think I'm lunch , I'm just a small fry compared to this beast

hello there Mr octopus "how you doing" ;-)

wow neon's simply amazing

Floating in the sea dancing with my baby

Ariel gazing at her prince wow Muscle can hold his breath

well we just coudn't resist each other

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